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It's All About My Job!

I am an ESL teacher.

I proudly tell people that I am an ESL teacher. I don't tell them so because I think it makes me look good, or because I am proud of my accomplishment. I tell people what I do because God blessed me with a job that I love, with students that I adore, and mostly with a chance for ministry in His kingdom.

Why do I love my job?

The best way I can explain this is to tell you what I told my mom when we were talking the other day. Teaching ESL meets a desire in my heart that I've had for a long time. It makes parts of me that were at odds with the world my whole life suddenly make sense. It's like God created me for such a time and purpose as this. Teaching ESL was what He designed me for and in a really unique way I am able to put my hand to the plow and that means the world to me!

What does ESL mean?

You've seen me use this acronym a lot, but I realize some of you have no idea what ESL is. It's simply English as a Second Language. I teach students in China to speak English.

How do I teach student in China?

Some of you might think this is a bit obvious, but I actually get this question a lot. I teach online. We use a program called Zoom, which is similar to Skype in that it is a video based system. I get to see my student and talk to him/her. I have the ability to show them my screen, allow them to control my cursor for certain projects and so forth.

Do I use a curriculum?

Yes and no. I have a curriculum produced by my company but I have free reign within my classes to teach and assist my students as I see fit. Sometimes, the curriculum that is provided is perfect. The student studies his/her book outside of class time, they're an intermediate learner, or just picking it up quickly and every thing goes really smoothly. So with these students, I just stick to the book.

Then I have students who are testing for TOEFL or interviewing for a boarding school, or, as in one case, planning to have an important meeting with a new partner/investor, and sometimes my students are just really young and need some extra attention in certain areas. In these cases, the curriculum doesn't meet the needs of my students. I am expected to find or create content to meet those needs. Figuring out how to do that is really fun for me. It's a challenge but an exciting one.

How long do I spend each day teaching?

There is a 12 hour time difference between here and China. During my mornings my students are just finishing their dinner and preparing for their homework or evening classes (it's China, kids study a lot and take a lot of classes.) When it's evening for me my students are getting up and getting ready for school. Because of this I often teach early in the morning or later in the evening. My schedule changes as my students fluctuate. I have had as few as three students when I began and as many as 11 students at one time. I teach anywhere between 1 hr and 4 hrs a day about 5 or 6 days a week on average. That is just my actual class time. It does not include my prep work for those students who are off-curriculum or need something more specific. I easily spend 2-6 hrs a day 4-5 days a week preparing for my classes.

Why do I feel like teaching English is a ministry?

I was told a long time ago that God was going to use my smile to reach people for Him (I hate admitting this to people, it seems so vain to me, but it is true nonetheless). God has made it very clear that through my smile my students will see His love. Sometimes I struggle with this. I mean, how on earth is my smiling (which is just natural to me) going to affect anyone. But He keeps reassuring me that it's His plan. Then, the other day, when I was teaching one of my students, she stopped me and told me how much it meant to her that I was always so happy and smiling. I got the chance to explain that that joy was the joy of Christ because of His love for me. This is ministry as well as a job. I am so thankful for this opportunity.

Well, now you know a little bit more about me. I hope you've enjoyed reading more about my life.

Stay curious!

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